People who say and do things to be self serving out right denying the facts before them or others or to manipulate and use someone for thrills , money,control or adventure either by way of making them feel special and unique while doing the same with others or maliciously tricking them in to feeling safe when they have no intention of providing that..... has somewhat tainted my trusting nature ....LUCKILY.... I have someone who has been making me feel special unique, loved and safe for the last year and I believe him,
In Review
This question who are you?
Posed in a much more seductive and eloquent way but this was my response last fall the only thing I would add to it is that I find lies and dis-honesty ,betrayal to be unforgivable.... going through an awful divorce finding out these things , knowing them actually and having been betrayed over and over again repulses me.....
Moving forward ....thankfully I don't have this problem any longer...
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
i am a contradiction.......
lover,fighter and peacemaker .I am a friend an artist a loving & fun mother.My memories are priceless and will keep company when I grow old.
I am a dreamer, thinker,a sensual being that longs for nature and nurture,touch smell and taste .I love the way the garden reveals miracles each season and I get to play. I can argue .I am passionate about love and life and I wake up wanting more everyday.... I want and I need sunshine and rain, I worry, I am honest and silly. I am hungry and thirsty for knowledge & experience(s). I can be lonely in a room full of people. I am unique and special, I am important and insignificant too.I love deeply,fully and almost unconditionally :),my soul is awake my spirit sings when I create. I walk with each of you I am human........ I am incapable of hate but capable of intense dislike,don't lie to me, cheat on me or steal from me just ask...
I will help you up and if you hurt me I might push you away.I can be a bitch,I like to talk, I love silence, music makes me happy and feeds me when nothing else will,I dance for fun and always will.I am spiritual,I love home..... .I love warm flicker of fire and enjoy living lights( candles )each day ,I cry in the shower, i bathe away anger,i love clean,clutter aggravates me, i love the warmth of breath and the way the wind teases the leaves on each tree,i am here and I will be gone one day.I am impatient and and patient too. I have a sense of humor.I want to be liked, I want to remain humble and giving i don't want to be abandoned,shamed or forgotten,my spelling is horrible .I need to express myself,reflect and share....... I am learning about me everyday and this is some of who I am so far.........
wow trying to flow with the thoughts as they come and try to say it all with out putting it into order
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