

So I don't know if this is genetic or just contagious and I caught the illness from my Father...in anycase .... Back in the day my mother was a model...my father was /is a photographer...

...my father was introduced to her as a Photographer and the rest is history... here I be....

My father taught us about flicking and clicking whenever and appreciating and using lights available to soften the shots kleenex taped over a flash for effect etc....lol low tech and brilliant on occasion...

To improvise and look at things from many angles not the intended way...
Maybe that is where most of my Ideas come from I have a slew of shots
I want but they may always just remain an intellectual idea
not an actual shot...there is one about

Humanity versus money
I am dieing to do it's a nude but the idea it is a good one and thats all I will say .........................I still might attempt it.....

I am neither a photographer or a model although I have done a little of both...at 5.5 this chiquita did not make the cut........................

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